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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So apparently the unimaginative title of my blog ; - Carpe Diem
has been called out for.
Obviously no one will call it out to my face but hey, that's where connections come into play.
But I digress.

Another cousin has just gotten married. Am so happy for her. She looks gorgeous on the day itself. She's the malaysian side of the family so we the gatal Singaporeans decided to do something... 'fun'.

Themed hair bands, the bigger, the better.

And that's where you can see my hair sporting a huge decoration that ultimately covered my fringe -_-
Eldest sister obviously has to have the most glamourous and yeah she can definitely take the cake!

Pictures are up on FB and I'm loading it on my LJ as well.
(given up loading photos on blogger eons ago)

And with that, au revoir!

Oh wait, another thing.
They say that who your friends are defines what kind of a person you are.
Guess what? They are assholes.
Got the hint yet?

And frankly who my friends are, are totally not in the same temperament and nature as me. I'm usually the one who acts/reacts according to the situation. If the group is a sullen-and-i-want-to-die-of-boredom kind of ppl, I would take the lead and try to liven it up. *keynote here, try*
But frankly I will be glad to let someone else take the lead most oft. And that's where alot of people are puzzled regarding my friends. When we're out in a group, you'd notice I'm always the quieter one.
I'm not the quiet one okay.


okay i'm rambling. shall keep quiet.
hardy har har